Urban Explorer

My goal when making this magazine is to make a piece of art that can also be a utility. I am targeting nature lovers and novices alike to have a portable magazine that they could pick up to lead them where to go on an adventure or sit down with a coffee to learn about different ways people access nature in cities. I was inspired by Posterzine - a foldable magazine that each issue becomes its own poster, and The Featherhead Review – a magazine that takes on a unique form each issue. I was also inspired by my love of nature and bird watching and the need I have for a comprehensive space to learn about nature access points downtown Toronto.

At The Urban Explorer we believe that nature should be accessible to everyone. Our goal is to break down the socio-economic barriers that are inherent with accessing nature in a city. With each issue we strive to inspire new-comers and experienced explorers alike to connect with nature in meaningful ways.

For this project I used existing articles to inspire my illustrations. These articles were adapted to fit the space of my zine, and are attributed. Because of the borrowed nature of the work the magazine is not for sale and only used as an exploration of my style. The map of nature hotspots in Toronto is created entirely by me and my research. 

Your Guide to Nature in Toronto

Flip through the Urban Explorer magazine with me.


Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration


Emily Archer Illustrates Brand Development